Zee News India

Interview with Passionate and Energetic DJ Dipika Pandey

About DJ Dipika Pandey

Dj Dipika Pandey followed her passion for music and her interest to entertain the crowd. She is Djing for 13 years now. She has made the crowd groove in various Locations in Pan India and her forte is playing varied styles of music like commercial house, Progressive house, EDM, Hip-hop, Bollywood, and various others. She is one of the best DJs for Commercial House.

She has been considered one of the Most Passionate and Energetic DJs by almost everyone with whom she has worked. She always gets the loudest cheers from the crowd.

DJ Dipika Pandey

What Inspired You to be a DJ?

My Passion and my inclination toward music inspired me to be a DJ.

Who is Your Biggest Inspiration?

Well, my biggest inspiration is my Mother who was and will always be there with me in my ups and downs! More than Love; I respect my mom, No one can replace her.

What is it about DJ Dipika Pandey makes her different from other DJs?

Well, this question should be asked to the audience that hears me! But my friends say when I play, their moods does from down to right up there to the party. I believe it’s a good compliment for me! and I am confident about myself in any situation.

How would you describe your style?

If you wanna know about my style then I would say I love to be casual along with being classy! I love to be hip-hop along with being gentle and subtle! I wanna balance everything in my life so that I don’t miss out on any part. And Yes Black is my favorite color, Me Devil! Lol.

How do you get the crowd pumped?

To pump the crowd I play according to the ambiance! For instance, if it’s a full-on dance party then I play Pops and Dance nos and if I see the atmosphere is romantic I transform my music and play accordingly. You have to play what people wanna listen to. to I just do that and people get pumped up all by themselves!

To Know More about DJ Dipika Pandey; Follow her on Instagram: @djdipikaofficial

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