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IVillage’s Journey: A Tale of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Impact


In the realm of social entrepreneurship, Aryah Vaibhhav Mahajan, the visionary founder of IVillage, has woven a narrative of empowerment, sustainability, and positive impact. As a female entrepreneur, she has tirelessly dedicated herself to creating a socially responsible business that goes beyond crafting eco-friendly products—it’s about transforming lives and communities.

The Journey Unfolds: Aryah’s Transformative Revelation

In the bustling corridors of Ernst and Young, Aryah’s journey began with an unexpected revelation—an exhibition in the corporate cafeteria showcasing exquisite products crafted by skilled women from an NGO. This unexpected encounter set in motion a chain of events that led Aryah to bridge the gap between the talents of rural women and the urban market demand.

Taking a brief leave from the corporate world, she collaborated with these skilled artisans, securing stalls at major banks and exceeding sales expectations. A visit to the village where these extraordinary products were made became a transformative experience. Witnessing the challenges faced by families left behind as their members migrated to cities, she envisioned a venture that would empower these women and create sustainable livelihoods.

Key Metrics of Impact:

– Number of Clients So Far: 5000+

– Number of Corporates: 250+

– Number of Families Impacted: 1200+

– Employment Generated So Far: 700+

Transforming Lives, One Opportunity at a Time:

Aryah’s commitment to empowering rural women in India through IVillage has not only translated into a thriving business but has also left an indelible mark on families and communities. This wonderful initiative has impacted over 18000 rural families. The employment generated has become a catalyst for positive change, allowing families to achieve newfound heights of success and self-sufficiency.

Families’ Achievements through Employment Generation:

The families touched by IVillage’s initiatives have experienced transformative changes. Through employment generation, they have achieved financial stability, access to education, improved healthcare, and a sense of community pride. The ripple effect of sustainable livelihoods has elevated the overall well-being of these families, fostering an environment of growth and progress. IVillage has trained more than 700 rural women leading them to a very successful and Independent life.

iVillage Individual Success Stories:

  1. “I have a deal with my husband, he pays for the education of our elder son, while I pay for our younger one. This is the first time I have shared financial responsibility at home.” ~ Mamta, 45
  1. “My parents spend their income on my brother’s education, which is why I haven’t been able to go to college. So I decided to earn and save up for my own college fees” ~ Priyanka, 19

This reflects the success of IVillage and the lives it has touched, the numbers tell a compelling story of positive change. The 5000+ clients, families, and employment opportunities signify not just business milestones but a commitment to creating a self-sustaining rural economy with women at its center.

As IVillage continues to evolve, its vision remains clear—to impact more lives, empower more women, and contribute to the upliftment of society. In each product crafted and each family touched, the journey unfolds, creating a legacy of social entrepreneurship that inspires others to follow suit in creating a better, more sustainable future for all.

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