
Meet Dr. Sumaya Reshma an expert in dental aesthetics, Fashion Influencer and a Role Model

Dreams are something that doesn’t let you rest or sleep, not something that comes in your dream. This is something that has been heard by many of us and this is the kind of mindset that is required for the completion of the goals in your life. No matter what profession you want to choose […]

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Happie Curves: Serving Every Curve!

In our quest for finding our true selves, we go through a lot of realizations and moments of self-acceptance. This self-love journey begins by eliminating every doubt or negativity we hold towards ourselves and accepting our body, the way it is. (while also positively working on bettering it). And while this journey can be easy […]

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Fashion LifeStyle

4 Eyewear Trends To Look Out For In 2023

4 Eyewear Trends To Look Out For In 2023 With 2023 only a few months away, we can’t help but wonder about next year’s fashion trends. recently released its 2023 Fashion Trends Report, which highlights upcoming shopping trends, women’s and men’s glasses trends, and eyewear. From green frames to athletic glasses, here are four […]

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