
Avoid Workout Injuries by Doing These Four Simple Things

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Avoid Workout Injuries by Doing These Four Simple Things

From not training on an empty stomach to stretching your muscles and joints — here’s what you need to do

It is important to stretch for a few minutes because you would “want your bones, tendons, ligaments and joints to know they are now going to be exercising”.

As we approach the end of the year, people are ready to make resolutions pertaining to their health and fitness. While it is important to exercise, one has to know that it should be a habit and not something they must be forced to do just because they have made a resolution.

If you are looking to get in shape before the new year, know that there are some dos and don’ts you need to follow in order to achieve your goals while also avoiding workout injuries and accidents. Remember to be kind to your body.

Taking to Instagram, celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar explained in a video the four things one must do to prevent a strain or any other kind of injury in any body part.

1. Don’t train on an empty stomach; eat a fruit 15 minutes prior.

According to Diwekar, it is not wise to exercise without having eaten anything. If you eat a banana and then go and train, you will be able to burn more calories.

2. Don’t skip on warm-up; spend 10-12 minutes stretching.

Let your muscles and joints know about your plan. Why is it important? It is done to ensure you don’t end up shocking the body with a rigorous exercise routine. It is important to stretch for a few minutes because you would “want your bones, tendons, ligaments and joints to know they are now going to be exercising”. One is more susceptible to an injury if they do not do warm-up exercises.

3. “Don’t do the same exercise the next day.

Give your neuro-muscular pathways a break,” wrote the expert in the caption, adding that if you have done yoga today, you can go for a walk the next day, or “if you did weights today, do cardio or swimming tomorrow”.

4. Do not exercise all seven days a week.

“Give at least a one-day break to your body,” wrote the expert. While it is important to have a disciplined approach to fitness, one needs to enjoy the process, too, and not make it into a punishment. The body deserves rest from time to time.

What do you think about these tips?